Application |
KN/mm |
r/min |
111/114/115 |
0.3-0.75 |
150-80 |
very soft formations with low compressive strength and high drill ability, likes caly, mudstone, chalk |
116/117 |
0.35-0.8 |
150-80 |
very soft formations with low compressive strength and high drill ability, likes clay, musdstone, chalk |
121 |
0.3-0.85 |
150-80 |
soft formations with low compressive strength and high drill ability, like mudstone, gypsum, salt, soft limestone |
124/125 |
180-60 |
131 |
0.3-0.95 |
180-80 |
soft to medium formaitons with low compressive strength, like medium, soft shake, medium soft limiestone, medium soft sandstone, medium formation with harder and abrasive interbeds |
136/137 |
0.35-1.0 |
120-60 |
211/241 |
0.3-0.95 |
180-80 |
216/217 |
0.4-1.0 |
240-70 |
medium formations with high compressive strength, like medium soft shale, hard gypsum, medium soft limiestone, medium soft sandstone, soft formation with harder interbeds |
246/247 |
0.4-1.0 |
80-50 |
321 |
0.4-1.0 |
150-70 |
medium hard formation with high compressive strength, like hard shale, limestone, sandstone, dolomite |
417 |
0.35-0.9 |
240-70 |
very soft formations with low compressive strength and high drillability, such as clay, mudstone, chalk, gypsum, salt, soft shale, soft limestone, etc. |
324 |
0.4-1.0 |
120-50 |
medium abrasive formations like abrasive shale, liimestone, sandstone, dolomite, hard gypsum, marble |
415 |
437/447/435 |
0.35-0.9 |
150-70 |
517/527/515 |
0.35-1.0 |
140-60 |
very soft formations with low compressive strength and high drill ability, like clay, mudstone, chalk, gypsum, salt, soft limestone |
532 |
0.35-1.0 |
110-80 |
Suitable for soft strata with low compressive strength. Such as shale, soft limestone, dolomite with interlayer, coal seam and so on |
537/547/535 |
0.45-1.0 |
120-50 |
soft formations with low compressive strength and high drill ability, likes mudstone, gypsum, salt, soft limiestone. |
617/615 |
0.45-1.1 |
100-60 |
soft to medium formations with low compressive strenght, like medium soft shale, medium soft limestone, medium soft sandstone, medium formation with harder and abrasive interbeds. |
632 |
0.45-1.1 |
100-60 |
Suitable for high compressive strength, medium hard and abrasive formation. Such as limestone, sandstone, dolomite and so on |
637/635 |
0.5-1.1 |
100-60 |
medium hard formationwith high compressive strength, like hard shale, limestone, sandstone, dolomite. |
735 |
0.45-1.1 |
100-60 |
Suitable for high compressive strength, hard and high abrasive formation, such as granite, limestone, sandy shale, dolomite and so on |
737 |
0.5-1.1 |
80-40 |
hard formation with high compressive strength like limestone, sandstone, dolomite, hard gypsum, marble. |